No show scheduled

Morning Focus Monday December 19

On Monday’s Morning Focus, JOhn Cooke spoke with Socialist Party Deputy Joe Higgins of the Campaign Against Household & Water Taxes
They had a word about the mass campaign of non-payment and non-registration stepped up against new Household Tax
Deputy Higgins warned the Taoiseach that Household Tax will be met with grass- roots campaign of defiance

51% of older people had to go without food or clothing to pay for heating in their homes and 24% described their homes as too cold – according to new research on fuel poverty and older people
The research explored the experiences of a sample of 722 older people that were linked to a range of community and voluntary groups and services
Professor Goodman says Winter mortality rates in both jurisdictions of the Republic and Northern Ireland have decreased but there are still significant differences between winter and summer mortality rates in older people, and cold homes can contribute to this phenomenon
The research was carried out by a group comprising Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH), Northern Ireland’s Centre of Excellence in Public Health and Brunel University London and funded by the Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland (CARDI)
Professor Pat Goodman of the Environmental Health Sciences Institute at DIT was the  Principal Investigator in the study. He spoke with John about the findings.

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Last week in Durban, South Africa UN climate change negotiations moved into the critical final week and Trócaire was there because the world’s poor, who are suffering the worst effects of climate change can’t be forgotten as the talks heat up
Mary Robinson met with campaigners who travelled over 4,000 miles across 10 African countries from Burundi to South Africa in a ‘Trans-African Caravan of Hope’, arriving in Durban in time for the opening of the UN climate negotiations
Eamon Meehan, Deputy Director of Trocaire and Kilmaley native had a word with John.  Contact 1850 408 408- online poll -Will you pay the €100 Euro household charge in the New Year?

• Yes- 32%
• No – 53%
• Don’t know – 15%
Sergeant Joe Downey, Crime Prevention Officer with the Clare Garda Division joined John for this week’s Garda Focus where he appealed to the public for information on crimes committed in the past week. Contact Ennis Garda Station on 065 68 48 100.

This week John Lowe, The Money Doctor had some advice for consumers for over the  Christmas period and the New Year- his latest book incorporates 100 top money saving tips
As always the Money Doctor was happy to answer listeners personal finance questions

John Murphy of the Clare branch of Birdwatch Ireland was in studio to answer your bird and wildlife queries.

If you have a story or comment for the Morning Focus team email
