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Morning Focus Wednesday December 21

Clare Samaritans say they’re making every effort to continue offer support services in the county, despite the ongoing economic difficulties
The organisation recorded a nine per cent increase in calls in the twelve months to October, with one in eight calls estimated to be recession-related
The group recently briefed Oireachtas members on their annual report
On Wednesday’s Morning Focus Gerry Dobbins of the Clare Branch of The Samaritans joined John in studio to discuss the year and to remind people that they are there for them if they wish to talk this Christmas
contact The Samaritans 1850 60 90 90 or call into the Clare branch on the Kilrush Road in Ennis between 10am-10pm everyday.

Following last night’s Annual Budget Meeting of Clare County Council, where councillors agreed to keep rates at their current level, the County Manager has insisted they are aware of the plight of local businesses, but can’t sustain a rate cut across the board
The council’s budget meeting also heard that cutbacks have continued in Clare County Council with staff payroll amounting to 8 million euro less compared to 2009, but concerns were expressed at the disproportionate expenditure that continues in some areas
John Cooke was at the meeting and spoke with Clare County Manager Tom Coughlan.

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The HSE Midwest have issued guideline on safety this Christmas including tips on personal safety; household safety and food safety
They hope that if people follow their safety tips they shouldn’t see as many patients in Accident and Emergency services this year
Dr Patrick O’Sullivan, Director of Public Health with the Health Service Executive Midwest had some advice for listeners.

The Irish political arena has always been dominated by family dynasties
A new book entitled Dynasties: Irish Political Families analyses Irish political families, author Johnny Fallon gets at the heart of the key dynamics in Irish politics
The book follows a number of the key political figures in Ireland, and analyses several of the biggest controversies and decisions ever taken by politicians
Dynasties have been perpetuated by use of the Seanad and by-elections in particular
Families are often consistent in approach, ideology, and core issues
Later generations seem to wish to hold firm to ideals of predecessors
Author Johnny Fallon, a political commentator, spoke with John.

The Irish Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has realised €190,000 from the sale of the home of the late Dr Maura Lernihan who bequeathed her house in Lisdoonvarna to the society in her will
ISPCA Chief Executive Noel Griffin expressed the societies delight with this and discussed what the funds will be spent on.

The council’s budget meeting also heard that cutbacks have continued in Clare County Council with staff payroll amounting to 8 million euro less compared to 2009, but concerns were expressed at the disproportionate expenditure that continues in some areas, like traveller accommodation  – where council spending has gone over budget by hundreds of thousands of euro this year, due to vandalism of local houses and sites – some of which can’t even be filled now – despite extensive refurbishment, and expensive security measures
John spoke to Shannon Councillor Patricia McCarthy is the Chairperson of the Council’s Housing and Social Services Committee – to hear her thoughts on the problems associated with traveller accommodation in Clare.

Paul Wolfe of the Clare Citizens’ Information Service joined John and took a look at some Christmas issues regarding consumer law, social welfare entitlements and employment legislation.

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