Sunday Morning with Eoin O'Neill

NOWCandi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free

Morning Focus Tuesday January 17

An information session on the proposed Limerick Northern Distributor Road
will be held in the Radison Hotel, Ennis Road tomorrow Wednesday between 3pm and 8pm
The emerging Preferred Route Corridor for Phase 2 of the Limerick Northern Distributor Road will be presented at a public consultation in the Radisson Hotel, Ennis Road, Limerick between 3-8 pm
Once completed, the Northern Distributor Road project will link Coonagh with Parteen and Ardnacrusha before crossing the River Shannon to the North of the University of Limerick and onwards to the Old Limerick/Dublin Road
On Tuesday’s Morning Focus Tom Tiernan, Senior Roads Engineer with Clare County Council had a word with John Cooke.

Environment Minister Phil Hogan has said that nine out of ten households in Ireland will face water charges by 2014
Hogan said that he expected the system for charging for the provision of water would be up and running by then as a six week public consultation process begins today amid the reformation of water services in Ireland
Also it was announced yesterday that hospital beds are to close across the country – but the HSE says it’s too early to say how many
The Executive’s also closing at least 555 public nursing home beds – in a bid to deal with budget cuts 
Fine Gael Deputy Pat Breen discussed. The government’s plan for the future of Shannon Airport  was also discussed.

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Responding to the news that beds are to go in public nursing home schemes Tomsie O’Sullivan, Secretary of Friends of Ennistymon Hospital expressed concern over the shortage of nursing home facilities in North Clare
He said some retirements are taking place in March – lack of nursing will naturally have a drop in beds.

A special information meeting for Special Needs Assistants is taking place at the Clare Education Centre at Government Buildings on the Kilrush Road in Ennis this evening at 7pm
All SNAs are welcome to attend and new members will be welcome to join prior to the meeting
IMPACT represent 129 SNAs in the Clare area
An update on the Department of Education and Skill’s action plan for SNA will be given at the meeting
Currently a lack of resources means SNAs are often considered a whole school resource when this should not be the case
They say that their service is diluted if they are given other duties
It is a needs based service- looking after and supporting in school environment
Joan McCrohan, an SNA in Kerry and Chairperson of the Special Needs Assistants branch with IMPACT Trade Union had a word to encourgage people to attend.
Mairead Doyle of Michael Houlihan and Partners Solicitors, Ennis and Co-ordinator of the Free Legal advice Clinics, Clare joined John to discuss the new Criminal Law Defence and the Dwelling Act 2011 that came into affect last Friday This act allows for reasonable force in defending your home from burglars – though not "a licence to kill"
Came in response to the debate following the controversial killing of John Frog Ward by Mayo Farmer Padraig Nally in 2004

The good wishes of the people of Ennis have been conveyed to Muhammad Ali as he celebrates his 70th Birthday today
Born Cassius Clay on January 17th, 1942, the former World Heavywight Boxing Champion was made a freeman of Ennis in 2009, when he visited County Clare to celebrate his Banner ancestry
Members of Ennis Town Council have sent congratulations on behalf of local people, following a proposal from Councillor Frankie Neylon who was Mayor at the time of Ali’s historic visit
well to mark the 70th birthday of the great Mohammed Ali  – we took a look back on his historic visit to Ennis on September 1st 2009 – and Clare FM’s comprehensive coverage of what will always be remembered as one of the greatest days ever for County Clare.

Shannon Toastmasters are re-launching the club with a view to highlighting Toastmasters in Ennis, Shannon, Kilrush and Limerick
They are hoping to attract  up to 100 guests at our open evening tomorrow in the Oakwood Arms in Shannon
Michael Collins, PRO of Shannon Toastmasters explained
Check them out on Facebook or contact Siobhan Doherty on 087 121 0944 for more details.

Frankie Coote, Clare ISPCA Warden had a word about animal owners obligations and spoke about a dog was trapped the river Fergus for 4 days, Ollie survived by hanging onto a bush and was reunited with his owner

Contact Sam at the Clare Dog Pound on 6820393.
Contact Frankie on 087 622 52 53.

Contact the Morning Focus team by emailing
