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The Today Show – Tuesday May 8th

On The Today Show this Tuesday Bridget Sinnott, a Basic Life Support Co-ordinator with the Irish Heart Foundation gave us the dos and don’ts of CPR.  It follows from reports that Hollywood Star Dustin Hoffman helped save a jogger’s life when he collapsed in London’s Hyde Park recently. The movie legend – who starred in a film called Accidental Hero – dialled 999 and tended to 27 year old Sam Dempster after he suffered a heart attack. As Happy Heart week is just around the corner –the Irish Heart Foundation say almost every family in Ireland has been affected by heart disease and stroke – every day 27 lives are lost to these diseases. This year the Irish Heart Foundation’s national fundraising weekend, Happy Heart Weekend falls on May 10th -12th. 

Also Dr. Dilis Clare, a GP and Medical Herbalist joined the show to talk about natural herbs that can help our digestion and maintain a healthy heart.  Dr. Clare was speaking in advance of a public information session next Monday – May 14th at Health and Herbs, 9 Sea Road, Galway (across from ‘The ‘Jes’, and The Crane Bar). Their will be a ‘hearty food’ demonstration with blood pressure and weigh-in check up. Admission is free and the event runs from 6.30 to 7.30pm

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Gearoid Mannion of Tom Mannion Travel Worldchoice was in studio for his weekly Travel Feature; this week Gearoid advised on holiday options and destinations on the French Riviera.  He discussed Monte Carlo, flights, including chartered flights to and from the Southern French region which offers access to the Riviera and the Cote d’Azur. He also discussed travelling to the Monaco Grand Prix, Cannes and St. Tropez.  Gearoid advised on flights to nearby Marseilles, Antibes and Nice where you can take a day trip to the sights and attractions of Monaco.

Philip Moreau, our resident Horticulturist was in studio to answer your gardening and planting queries.  Philip discussed how to get rid of dandelions from kerbing and footpaths, how to keep the slugs at bay and answered queries on a wide range of topics like poinsettias in bloom at this time of year and setting apple trees. Philip will offer tips and advice for the coming weeks so get your queries in to us – email them in advance to

If you have a comment or question for The Today Show please email or text the show – Clare FM followed by your message to 53030
