No show scheduled

Morning Focus Friday October 12

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) has contacted the individual members of the Troika urging them to reconsider the sustainability of the path which Ireland is on in trying to meet the terms the Troika has set out for the Irish government
The Society, the largest charity of social concern and action in Ireland, told the Troika that the means being used to tackle the budget deficit will worsen Ireland’s ability to recover from the economic crisis, as well as causing severe damage to the individuals and families it assists

On Friday’s Morning Focus John Cooke spoke with the National President of the St Vincent de Paul Geoff Meagher who said that austerity is causing alot of social problems and he hopes the Troika will take their appeal to heart.

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Clare Fine Gael Deputy Pat Breen is due to attend the inaugural plenary meeting of the North/South Inter-Parliamentary Association taking place today in the Seanad Chamber
The Association was established out of the Good Friday and St. Andrew’s Agreements and aims to provide a forum for regular formal discussions between  Members of the Houses of the Oireachtas and Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly on issues of mutual interest and concern, meeting twice yearly on a rotational basis
Pat had a word with John as did Jim Wells MLA of the Democratic Unionist Party, a South Down representative at the Northern Ireland Assembly, they spoke about the significance of this meeting.

A last will and testament is regarded as the final settlement of a person’s affairs and for those lucky enough to receive a legacy it’s often a welcome bonus. But money can bring discord and division and the more money the more trouble!
Battle of Wills; Irish Families at War over Wills is the new title from Liam Collins, a journalist and author who has written about scandals in Irish society and banking.  He’s also the author of Irish Family Feuds and The Great Irish Bank Robbery.  As a journalist he has a deep interest in legal cases involving wills and probate
Liam spoke with John about the book and looked at some specific stories.

In our Morning Focus health slot we speak with Dr Finn from the Ennis Family Medical Centre
Today Fr Finn focused on eczema and other skin conditions  

Doctor Maire Finn is from the Ennis Family Medical Centre, and will be joining us again next Friday to speak about cholesterol
You can always send us your thoughts and queries by email, but if you have concerns or queries about your own health right now please contact your local GP

Eleven Clare companies now carry Eco Tourism Ireland certification
Mary Mulvey, CEO of Eco Tourism Ireland said Ireland has the potential to become one of the top ecotourism destinations in the world, and should not under-estimate the value of ‘being green’
They began their work in the Burren – at present only 20 national companies are certified but this is growing rapidly
Eco Tourism Ireland are now recognised by the Global Sustainability Tourism Council

Boru 3 Peaks is an inaugural intergenerational community event taking place tomorrow and Sunday in the surrounds of the picturesque twin towns of Ballina/Killaloe, nestled between the 3 peaks of Tountinna, Moylussa and Keeper Hill. Register for 1, 2 or 3 peaks – Run, Walk or Crawl
Orla Foley, organiser, says they are hoping it will be an annual event and become a Gathering 2013 event

Matthew Griffin is an Ennistymon publican and Burren Cycling Club member
last Sunday himself and two others cycling enthusiasts organised a cycle for beginners in Ennistymon and 19 people turned up on the day
The route was very flat and everyone stayed together and Matthew said people could not believe how enjoyable it was and the fact that they had cycled 14 kilometres
It is on again this Sunday at 2.30pm  – they supply bikes if people don’t have any – bring your own helmet – they are inviting people to join them.

If you have a story, comment or query for the Morning Focus team email
