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HSE Outlines Response To Ennis Psychiatric Unit Report

The HSE says it has taken “corrective and preventative” action in response to a damning report into the Acute Psychiatric Unit at Ennis General Hospital.

An inspector’s report published by the Mental Health Commission stated that residents’ privacy and dignity was not being respected as security personnel, on hand to assist staff in physical restraint, were seen walking the corridors and sitting in a communal area without due cause.

It was also noted that the centre did not ensure an accurate record was maintained of one resident’s personal property and possessions.

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HSE MidWest Mental Health Services says it welcomes the report, and that they have been working since last November’s visit to take action in the areas highlighted.

They have responded to immediate action notices that have been issued in a manner that has been accepted by the Commission.

Full HSE Statement to Clare FM:

HSE Mid West Mental Health Services are committed to the delivery of quality and safe mental health services.

The Mental Health Commission plays a key role in identifying any areas for improvement in our mental health services which helps us to ensure that we provide the best possible service to all service users.

HSE Mental Health Services welcomes the report of the Mental Health Commission on their findings in the acute psychiatric unit in Ennis General Hospital and we have been working since their visit in November on the areas that have been highlighted.

Since then we have worked closely with the MHC to develop quality improvement plans on the two main risks outlined and they have accepted our plans for same.

The immediate action notice has been responded to and the corrective and preventative action plans have been submitted to the Mental Health Commission which have been accepted.

Mid West Mental Health Services continues to work to provide a safe and high quality service for our community.
