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Government support takes a hit

Voters are turning their anger on the coalition – according to a new opinion poll.

The IPSOS-MRBI survey for the Irish Times, shows support for both Fine Gael and Labour is down, satisfaction with the Government, the Taoiseach and the Tánaiste  all take a hit.

Meanwhile support for Sinn Féin and others is up substantially.

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This poll compares to one six months ago and so takes in voter opinion on the budget, stability treaty deal, household charge and water meters.

Labour suffers most – down six points to 13 per cent.

Fine Gael loses 3 points to 33 per cent, with Fianna Fáil down 1 to 14.

Sinn Féin goes up 6 to 21 per cent, with Independents and others on 19 per cent, up 4

Almost 3 out of 4 voters is now dissatisfied with the coalition – that’s up 16 points to 73 per cent.

The Taoiseach’s personal satisfaction rating is down 10 to 42 per cent – Tánaiste  Eamon Gilmore does even worse losing 14 points to 27 per cent.
