
Morning Focus [Repeat] with Alan Morrissey

NOWCandi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free

Morning Focus Monday June 10

As promised under the goverment programme – Taoiseach Enda Kenny is moving to have the Second house of the Oireachtas abolished -as he believes its antiquated and a waste of tax payers money.
Ciara Gannon was in Ennis town centre to ask shoppers what they think of the proposal to abolish the Seanad and how they will vote

On Monday’s Morning Focus John Cooke got the views of some of Clare’s Oireachtas members when he was joined by Timmy Dooley TD of Fianna Fail, Michael McNamara TD of the Labour Party and Fine Gael Senator Tony Mulcahy

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Timmy Dooley said he feels as a former senator that a lot of good work has been achieved in the Seanad
He also denies his party has changed its position on the matter – stating that the previous government would have looked at dismantling the upper house – but only when there was overall reform of the Dail
He admits the populist view is the Seanad should go – but feels a reformed cost effective house has a role to play

Despite the arguments being put foward for its retention Clare Labour TD Michael Mcnamara feels there’s no justification at this point to retain the second house
He says he will consider both sides of the argument to either retain or abolish Seanad Eireann – his major concern is the inclusion of the removal of Article 27 in the upcoming referendum
Though it has never been used this article permits that legislation be referred to the people in certain cases- he thinks this is an important part of the constitution

Tony Mulcahy echoed Clare Senator Martin Conway when he said he wouldn’t hinder the vote to allow for the Autum referendum -neither will they be voting to abolish the Seanad

A new organisation for childcare workers says significant investment is needed to ensure all staff in the sector are adequately trained
The Association of Childhood Professionals was launched on Friday in a bid to professionalise the 22,500 workers in the sector in the wake of breaches of care standards highlighted last week in a Prime Time Investigates programme
Speaking at today’s launch the Children’s Minister Frances Fitzgerald denies having more qualified staff will push up costs for parents
But speaking to John the chair of the association Marion Quinn says unless the government contributes funds to the training, childcare will get more expensive

Sergeant Joe Downey, Crime Prevention Officer with the Clare Garda Division, joined John in studio to appeal for the public’s assistance with information on crimes committed in the past week
Contact Ennis Garda Station on 065 68 48 100

Neil Pakey formally begins his three-year tenure as CEO of Shannon Airport today
The Scot, who was appointed last month, has previously held senior positions at Liverpool John Lennon and Manchester Airports and has over 30 years of aviation industry experience
Neil Pakey is confident he can help deliver a growth in passenger numbers, given that Shannon already plays host to leading European and American airlines
On Friday Clare FM’s Gavin Grace was among reports who spoke with Mr Pakey at Shannon at the launch of United Airline Shannon to Chicago’s O’Hare airport flights

This is the 7th National Carers Week aimed to celebrate and recognise the contribution of Ireland’s Family Carers with over 160 events throughout Ireland
The Census reports there to be 5315 of Family Carers in Clare. 62% are women and 38% are men
The average age of Family Carers is 46 years of age
John was joined in studio by Mary McMahon, CEO of Caring for Carers, and the group’s Development Officer, Susan Hogan to speak about the events they are running this week
He also spoke with Cree based carer Anne Kelly – also of the Kilrush branch of the Multiple Sclerosis society- who spoke about her experience as carer to her husband Jim and how it has affected their lives.

Wildlife expert John Murphy of the Clare branch Birdwatch Ireland joined John in studio to answer listeners’ wildlife queries
He also spoke about how the Clare Birdwatching group’s annual outing to the Cliffs of Moher on Saturday went.

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