No show scheduled



The next three budgets will be focused on the 'squeezed middle' – families earning between €33,000 and €70,000 – if Fine Gael and Labour get returned to office at the next general election.Finance Minister Michael Noonan denied that Budget 2015 was designed for electoral purposes but indicated that his strategy to change the income tax system needs three years to implement. Alex White TD Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources spoke to John about Budget 2015

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We then got the views of our local deputies. Fianna Fails Timmy Dooley and Fine Gaels Pat Breen debated the main talking points of the budget with John

Cahill taxation services in association with Ennis chamber  held a budget breakfast this morning to talk to local business about the implications of Budget 2015 and Clare FM went along to find out what the reaction was to the governments first non- austerity budget in 7 years.

There have been a number of changes to the tax system in Budget 2015. USC and Income tax and tax band rates have all been adjusted. To get a better understanding of this Carmel Marnane Director of tax in Deloitte in Limerick joined us to discuss the  tax implications of yesterdays budget.

Over the last number of years the most vulnerable in society have been hit hardest. Many more have had to resort to looking for help from charities such as St Vincent De Paul, something that would have seen unimaginable just a few years ago. So what are the positives and negatives for the coping classes of Budget 2015. Brendan Hennessy membership Liaison Officer for the Social Justice and Policy team highlighted the important aspects of the budget with John

Local companies will hear today (Wednesday) how alternative sources of finance can support business growth and drive job creation for Clare SMEs.The Mid-West Exporters Roundtable Event, taking place in Shannon and hosted by the Irish Exporters Association (IEA), will bring exporting companies from the Mid-West region together to discuss the trading challenges facing SMEs today. Ronan Horgan, Managing Director of Bibby Financial Services spoke to the John from the exporters meeting .

Elysha NI Chulan from Co. Clare who was named Youth Volunteer of the Year for her work with work with Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children in Crumlin, recently attended an event with Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O'Sullivan, TD and Education Minister in the north, John O'Dowd MLA to encourage Ireland's youth north and south to apply for the 2015 Pramerica Spirit of Community Awards Programme, which recognizes young people for exemplary volunteer service. Elysa highlighted the importance of volunteering with John.

If you have a story, comment or query for Morning Focus email or write to us – Morning Focus, Clare FM, Francis Street, Ennis, Co. Clare.









