
Sideline View with Derrick Lynch

NOWCandi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free

Morning Focus – Wednesday July 17

On today’s edition of Morning Focus, Clare FM’s Marian Egan was joined by Maura Corbett, Employment Services Officer with the Department of Social Protection to explain the Jobs Plus Scheme and the related benefits for employers and jobseekers in Co. Clare. JobsPlus is a new employer incentive which encourages and rewards employers who offer employment opportunities to people who are long-term unemployed. This incentive replaces the Employer Job (PRSI) Exemption and Revenue Job Assist schemes from 1st July. Regular cash payments will be made to qualifying employers to offset wage costs where they engage jobseekers from the Live Register. Rita McInerney, CEO Ennis Chamber also spoke to Morning Focus.  She says she’s pleased with the JobsPlus scheme in principal but will have to wait to see how it works out in practice. Also joining Marian to give their perspective was Avina McNally, Acting Director of the Small Firms Association. She also gave her views on the JobsPlus scheme and discussed issues that employers and small businesses are facing.

Kilkee businessman and Chairperson of Loophead Tourism – Cillian Murphy joined the show to outline why Clare’s coastal residents and business owners are urging beachgoers to keep the county clean. It comes as many of the county’s beaches experienced a significant rise in litter during recent fine weather. Cillian thinks signage to urge people to take away their rubbish if necessary and more temporary bins would help the situation. Yesterday John Cooke spoke with Joan Tarmey- Clare’s Environmental Officer and people in Lahinch about this issue. Last week extra staff were drafted in to deal with a sudden increase in litter at Clare’s top beaches. Clare County Council is reminding people to take responsibility for their own rubbish, to avoid on the spot fines

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Pauline Bradley, Chairperson of the Corofin Tourism Association, Marie Neylon and Marie McGowan, association members, were guests of the show and joined Marian in studio to talk about the resurrection of the town’s tourism group.  In March last year business and community members in Corofin decided to resurrect their tourism group and they launched their website last Friday night. It is comprised of community members and business people involved in tourism and hospitality who are working together to promote Corofin

Richard Lynch works for Shannon Aerospace and let us know all about a special fundraising drive at the airport.  ORBIS Ireland, the sight-saving charity that works to eliminate the blinding disease trachoma in Ethiopia, is hosting the 2013 Pull for Sight in Shannon Airport on Saturday. The Pull for Sight will see a number of teams from across the Shannon aviation industry take part in the challenge to pull a Boeing 767 across the runway in the quickest time possible. This is the first time such an event has come to Mid-West and Richard is a keen advocate for the Pull for Sight. There are 14 teams competing – 11 of which are made up of aviation company staff members.

Anne Marie Flanagan is the Co Director of the Clare Centre for Independent Living and joined Marian to discuss how a new funding model is expected to be introduced next year which will see patients requiring disability and mental health services making contributions to the cost if they are above a certain income threshold or asset base. This means many will be forced to pay for vital services including speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, and specialised help in the home. The services are mostly provided by the HSE and many large disability organisations receive block funding every year from the Government.

Aileen Browne of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service also joined Marian to let listeners know about blood donation clinics in West Clare this evening.  There’s been a dramatic drop is blood supplies due to the fine weather and the IBTS urgently need donations.  The clinics will be held in Kilrush Community School tonight and tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday from 6 to 9pm. IBTS will also hold a donation clinic in Killaloe next Wednesday July 24th at St. Anne’s School from 6 to 9pm.

Paul Woulfe of the Clare Citizens’ Information Service was also in studio to answer your queries.

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