Sunday Morning with Eoin O'Neill

NOWCandi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free

The Afternoon Show – Tuesday October 8th 2013

On today’s Afternoon Show Máire spoke with John Carmody from the Animal Rights Action Network. ARAN has today slammed the producers of Love Hate in relation to the first episode in a new series that showed two young teenagers literally blasting a cat to death and then laughing hard. ARAN is incensed and angered, and whilst we are aware the cat was not actually killed, this scene does irreparable damage to our work of curbing violent crimes towards animals and comes at a time of record reports of violence towards animals around the country. Already the group has been fielding dozens of complaints from viewers. ARAN is encouraging people to switch channels next time the programme airs.


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Patricia Fitzgerald from the Clare Library service also joined the show to highlight he annual Children’s Book Festival, which runs throughout the month of October across the county. It’s aimed at instilling a love of books and reading in young children and teens. A wide array of authors, illustrators and storytellers are meeting the kids face to face on tour of schools and libraries in Clare. For more details please visit or contact your local branch. 


Susannah Healy is a Psychologist and Author of “Fabulous Jelly”. Her book deals with her own trials and tribulations while trying to lose weight. She asks why do so many of us fail to stick to a diet? How come we start the day with such good intentions to eat healthily only to find ourselves tucking into a latte and croissant by 11am? Why? Because most of us haven’t got ourselves mentally prepared and ‘in the zone’ long enough to stick with a new eating plan. Susannah describes the triumphs and failures of her own weight loss battles, before she learned to use her own professional experience to design a plan that worked for her. Now three stone lighter, Susannah shares her secrets about how to get your brain to work with and not against you in weight loss.


Arabella Scanlon from Killaloe also joined the show to talk about a fundraising Fun Ride that will take place in Killaloe this Sunday (starts at the GAA field at noon) to raise money for an ambulatory EEG machine for University Hospital Limerick.  The device is used to record brain activity for patients with epilepsy.  Arabella’s daughter Brianna has epilepsy – she’s 3 years old. In Ireland over 37,000 people have epilepsy.  The machine costs €18,000 to buy and will be based at the hospital in Limerick.  


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