
The Big Weekend with Brian McLoughlin

NOWCandi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free

The Afternoon Show – Wednesday October 23rd 2013

On today’s Afternoon Show Máire spoke with Conor Cullen of Alcohol Action Ireland. It’s understood the government are to introduce a minimum price for alcohol in order to tackle the problem of misuse. The plan – which is part of the Governments national misuse substance strategy to be unveiled tomorrow – will be developed in conjunction with policy in Northern Ireland to bring pricing in line on both sides of the border. Other proposals within the plan include the postponement on a ban on drinks companies sponsoring sporting events as well as a ban on drinks advertising on TV during the day and early evening.


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Marie-Anne Michel is the Galway Organiser with Amnesty International and joined the show to discuss how the rights to freedom of expression, assembly and association for LGBTI individuals and organisations in Russia are currently under severe attack. Amnesty International Ireland’s Human Rights Action Centre in Galway is holding a day of action, ‘Ignite the flame for human rights’ supporting LGBTI rights in Russia, ahead of the Winter Olympics. Amnesty International supporters will be out on Shop Street in Galway from 12noon on Saturday 26 October to demand action from Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Aidan Courtney  from the Ennis Book Shop reviewed Paddy Duffy’s “Did That Actually Happen?” and The Irish Country Women’s Association Guide to Home and Family.


Tina Mulrooney and Niall Garvey also joined Máire in studio to talk about the latest developments in the area. Inagh Development Ltd has been around for 20 years and has been at the fore of many projects aimed at developing and benefiting Inagh and the area.  In 2009 they undertook to redevelop Inagh Community Centre, which had fallen into disrepair, for which they received leader funding. However they didn’t receive full funding and continue to fundraise locally to make up the short fall. All going to plan the project will be completed in Spring next year. A special fundraising concert takes place in Inagh Church on Friday at 8.30pm with the Mulrooney sisters, PJ Murrihy and Michael Sexton to help raise money.


Simon Kenny is from the Shannonside Astronomy Club, which includes Clare, Limerick and Tipperary and joined Máire as, passing over Ireland at present is, the International Space Station. It can be seen passing over Co. Clare later this evening from approximately 8.09pm. The International Space Station is the largest spacecraft ever to be put into orbit, and the most expensive thing ever built, at approximately €100 billion. The huge craft is roughly the size of Croke Park.  The ISS orbits Earth roughly 350km above the planet’s surface.  Check out for details 


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