
The Love Zone with Shay Searson

NOWCandi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free

Over 26,800 Test Positive For Covid-19 On Island Of Ireland

Over 26,800 people have now tested positive for covid-19 on the island of Ireland.

It’s after a further 18 deaths in the Republic, and four in the North.

Ireland’s National Public Health Emergency Team announced yesterday 219 more people had tested positive for coronavirus in the Republic.

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There have now been 22,760 confirmed cases south of the border, and 1,446 people are known to have died.

There are now 303 cases in Clare, after a further four were recorded yesterday.

Earlier in the day, their counterparts at the Northern Ireland department of health also released updated figures.

There were four further deaths and 56 new confirmed cases.

It brings the death tolll there to 430 and the total number infected to four thousand and seventy eight.

The biggest concentration of cases on the island is in Dublin, where there were ten thousand nine hundred and forty-eight people known to be infected in the most recent data available.
