Rita McInerney

In the build-up to election 2020, Clare FM is meeting each of the candidates and allowing them a chance to outline to you, the voter, what they will do if elected on February 8th.

We hear from Doonbeg businesswoman Rita McInerney, who is running for Fianna Fáil.

My vision for Clare

My number one priority is to show that Rural Ireland Matters and for this to happen I will dedicate my career to fighting for all members of our communities and doing what is right for them. A vote for me is a vote for the people of West and North Clare. We are tired of being left out when it comes to jobs, proper infrastructure and respect for our way of life be it in agriculture or local industry and I will be the driving force to correct this imbalance. My vision is for a county with vibrant, sustainable and diverse communities to which people feel they belong.

My priorities if elected

I would like to change the perception that the voters have of politics by showing them tangible results and not empty rhetoric. We are all well aware of the big issues facing us, particularly in health, housing and rural Ireland, and I will bring practical solutions to help solve these issues. If I can do something I will and if I cannot then I will let people know why. There is so much to do and I will not waste my time or the voters’ on empty promises.

My experience

I come from a family steeped in local politics and community activism and I am also a former CEO of Ennis Chamber of Commerce. I have served on many community groups in my native Doonbeg and I am a proud supporter of all aspects of county Clare, owning two businesses in the village and employing 6 local staff in the process. My main electoral base is West and North Clare and I aim to use my local knowledge, Masters in Politics and sense of loyalty to local communities throughout Clare once elected. I have the drive, focus and a strong will to deliver for the people of County Clare,