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Assistant Commissioner Defends Closure Of Rural Garda Stations

Rural garda stations may be comforting for the public but they are not the best way of policing, according to an assistant garda commissioner. 

The Commissioner defended the closure of some stations saying in some cases they don't provide the best coverage. 

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This morning the gardaí unveiled a public attitudes survey that raised a number of questions about the force. 

One being the response time of gardaí to reports of crime. 

One suggestion to deal with that is to restore the rural garda stations that were closed.

But assistant garda commissioner Michael O'Sullivan said this might not be the best way to go.

The report shows that overall 85 per cent of people trust the gardaí.

But a third of people don't think they're effective in tackling crime.

40 per cent of people think the force isn't well managed. 

And half of all people feel An Garda Siochana isn't a world class police service. 
