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Doonbeg Locals Say They Will Welcome Trump With Open Arms

Locals in Doonbeg say they'll welcome Donald Trump with open arms despite comments made in recent times.

However there are calls for protests during his visit later this month.

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Speaking during his visit to Doonbeg last month, Eric Trump said his father was keeping a close eye on the redeveloped golf resort even during the US Presidential campaign.

But now, he's going to see the property for himself as he returns to Doonbeg later this month.

Details of when exactly he'll arrive are still unclear with staff at the Doonbeg Hotel and Golf Resort telling us that they've been placed on standby.

Manager Joe Russell says he'll know more about the visit later today.

The US presidential hopeful previously told a TV interview it's an 'incredible place', but said it's 'small potatoes' in comparison to the race for the White House.

Tommy Commerford of the Doonbeg Fishman's Association says locals aren't bothered by the comments.

The news of Mr Trump's trip comes just days after the Taoiseach described his comments as ‘racist and dangerous'.

A number of political parties have spoken out against the visit, with the Green Party and the Anti-Austerity Alliance both calling for a peaceful protest, to show the world that Ireland rejects the divisive views espoused by Trump.

Despite this, there's an air of excitement in the village today and Caroline Kennedy of the Doonbeg Jazz Festival says he'll be welcomed with open arms.

So as we wait for details on Donald Trump's Doonbeg visit to be finalised, people across the world are turning their attention to West Clare once again this year.
