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Ennis Judge Says He Understands Why Man Produced Shotgun When Men Arrived At Door

A judge at Ennis District Court has said he can understand why a 77-year old man, living by himself in a rural area, produced a shot-gun when three men turned up unannounced at his door.

John Malone of Drim, Quin, pleaded guilty to two firearms offences arising out of an incident at his home on October 29th last, but both were struck out by Judge Patrick Durcan.

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Three Eastern European men, who were working for a Dublin firm, arrived unnanounced at the rural home of John Malone in order to remove solar panels from the property, after he'd complained of issues with them.

However, the court heard that they quickly retreated to the road outside the home to contact Gardai after being confronted by Mr Malone and his shotgun.

The 77-year-old had only recently purchased the gun prior to the October incident, during which it contained two cartridges but had been open.

Appearing before Ennis District Court, Mr. Malone appeared and pleaded guilty to two firearms offences arising from the confrontation.

However, the were struck out by Judge Patrick Durcan who said he was not going to put a stain on the character of a man who'd lived a blameless life to date.

Judge Durcan also referred to how people living in rural areas have been "terrorised" and how they now need to be "vigilant"

Mr. Malone agreed to forfeit his gun, and the judge said he left the court without any stain on his character.
