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Health Service “Doomed To Make Same Mistakes” Without Budget Investment

Clare’s Independent TD fears the health service is doomed to continue making the same mistakes, unless there’s investment in health reform in the next budget.

Dr Michael Harty is hitting out over the Government’s failure to implement many of the recommendations of the Slaintecare report, which was published over a year ago.

He’s also accused the Taoiseach of ignoring his plea to discuss the matter in person.

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Clare FM’s Fiona Cahill reports:

Implementation is key. That was the message over a year ago when the Slaintecare report was first published.

But now, more than 420 days on, the pace of this implementation has been slow, and while a new director has recently been appointed, the Government has reportedly said there is insufficient funding, and that this could lead to further delays.

Clare’s Independent TD, who’s Chair of the Oireachtas Health Committee, has written to the Taoiseach, accusing him of missing several key deadlines on implementing the blueprint for the future of healthcare.

Dr Michael Harty believes that failure to activate the plan will “tarnish the legacy of the Government”, saying that unless there’s investment in health reform in the next budget, the service is doomed to continue making the same mistakes.

He also says his attempts to discuss Slaintecare in person have gone unanswered by Leo Varadkar, something he believes is punishment for not giving him his full backing.

But Clare’s Fine Gael Senator has defended the Taoiseach.

Senator Martin Conway insists the Government is committed to implementing the Slaintecare report.
