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Inquests into Quilty fishing tragedy return verdits of accidental deaths

The inquests into the deaths of two Quilty fishermen have returned verdicts of accidental drowning.

64 year old Michael Galvin and his 35 year old neighbour Noel Dickinson died after their boat – The Lady Eileen sank off the West Clare Coast last August.

County Coroner Isabel O’Dea extended her sympathies to the families of both fishermen who were present for today’s inquest and also acknowledged efforts made by the rescue services in recovering their bodies.

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There were emotional scenes at the Coroner’s Court today as it heard evidence into cause of the deaths of father of 3, Michael Galvin and 35 year old Noel Dickinson who tragically didn’t live to see the birth of his daughter Nicole.

Statements were read out from Mr Galvin’s wife Liz who was the last person to see both men alive on the morning of the 13th of August 2012.

Martin Kiely of Aughinish Diving Club and James McMahon of the Burren Sub Aqua and Diving Unit gave evidence of recovering the bodies of the two men from the wheelhouse of their fishing vessel " The Lady Eileen" the following day – while their remains were identified by Michael’s brother Brian and Noel Dickinson’s sister Ann Marie.

Dr Mulcahy who performed the post-mortems on both men told the court that in her medical opinion both men died from drowning  and the jury then returned verdicts of accidental deaths.

County Coroner Isabel O’Dea extended her sympathies to members of both the Galvin and Dickinson families who were present for today’s inquest, acknowledged the efforts of the rescue services and thanked all those involved in the search operation.


