
Morning Focus with Alan Morrissey

NOWCandi Staton - Young Hearts Run Free

Man Walks Free From Court Following Sixmilebridge Hostage Drama

A farm worker who subjected an elderly man, his daughter and her fiancé to a terrifying double barrelled shot gun hostage ordeal yesterday walked free from court.

At Ennis Circuit Court, Farm worker, Tom Howard (50) of Gortnaminch, Listowel, Co Kerry walked free after a jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity at the time of eight separate charges arising from the three hour drama at Donnybrook House, Sixmilebridge on July 2nd last.
In the incident in the grounds of the home, Mr Howard fired his shotgun in a bid to startle Declan Finn who had overpowered him after a struggle.
On the date, Mr Howard wearing a balaclava, blue medical PVC gloves and armed with the shotgun took 68-year old gardener, Tadgh Corbett hostage at around 4.45pm in the grounds of the home of retired solicitor and former President of the Law Society, Patrick Glynn.
Mr Howard kept Mr Corbett hostage for two and a half hours before Mr Corbett’s 27 year old daughter Elaine Corbett and 29 year old Mr Finn came to the home as Mr Corbett had not returned for his dinner.
However, on their arrival, Mr Howard emerged from behind the trees in the garden of the house to falsely imprison at gunpoint Ms Corbett and Mr Finn.
In evidence, Det Garda Roddy Burke said that Mr Howard ordered Ms Corbett to tie Mr Finn to a chair in the garden but because of Ms Corbett’s nerves she was unable to tie up her fiancé.
Det Burke said that Mr Howard told Ms Corbett to sit on Mr Finn’s lap. The detective said that Mr Howard then struck Mr Finn on the back of the head with the barrel of the shotgun and a struggle ensued between the two.
Det Burke said that Tadgh Corrbett also grappled with Mr Howard while he was still in possession of the shotgun.
He said that Mr Corrbett and Mr Finn combined to push Mr Howard back towards  a timber fence that collapsed resulting in Mr Finn sitting on top of Mr Howard.
Det Burke said that it was at this stage that Mr Howard fired the shotgun and it was aimed towards an adjoining field at the time and no one was injured. It was only at this stage that Mr Finn removed the balaclava from Mr Howard’s head.
Ms Corbett then raised the alarm and contacted the Gardai at 8.10pm.
Det Burke said that on arriving at the scene he saw Mr Finn remaining sitting on Mr Howard and that Mr Corbett was visibly shaking and was hardly able to speak because of nerves.
Det Burke said that Mr Howard told the three while he was on the ground that he wanted to take his own life.
Det Burke said that Mr Finn sustained 10 stitches and a fractured knee from the assault.
The detective said that Mr Howard “did not seem with it” when arrested. 
In a statement to Gardai, Declan Finn said that he tried to console Mr Howard when sitting on top of him after hearing Mr Howard describe his own personal circumstances and that he wanted to try to take his own life
Earlier yesterday, Mr Howard had pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to eight charges arising from the incident.
Counsel for the State, Stephen Coughlan BL said that the case was proceeding under Section 5 of the Criminal Law (Insanity) Act 2006 and that only two witnesses were going to be heard.
He said that the charges that Mr Howard were facing were extraordinarily serious and that he had no previous convictions.
Det Burke said that Mr Howard told Gardai that he was in Sixmilebridge either to take his own life or carry out a robbery to pay off debts of €6,000.
Det Burke said that Mr Howard’s acts were very much premeditated as he had stolen the shotgun days earlier – he said that in the 24 hours prior to the incident, Mr Howard stayed in nearby fields, didn’t sleep and survived by drinking water from troughs in fields and eating a piece of fruit.
In evidence from forensic psychiatrist at the Central Mental Hospital, Dr Paul O’Connell said that Mr Howard’s mental illness at the time grossly impaired his judgement.
Counsel for Mr Howard, Anthony Sammon SC said that the evidence provided by Dr O’Connell shows that Mr Howard was insane at the time of the incident.
A jury returned a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity. Judge Gerard Keys remanded Mr Howard on bail pending the Central Mental Hospital identifying a space for him where he will undergo a psychiatric assessment. 