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Taoiseach Departs For St Patrick’s Day Trip To U.S

Enda Kenny leaves for the US today – taking with him, Ireland’s absolute commitment to remain at the heart of Europe in spite of Brexit.

The Taoiseach is flying to Philadelphia for the start of a seven day visit to five cities, during which he will watch the St. Patrick’s Day parade in New York – and meet with US President Donald Trump.

Enda Kenny will spend the next week promoting Ireland as a location for jobs, trade, tourism and investment.

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The Taoiseach says he will raise the issue of US Immigration policy with both the President and the Vice President during his visit.

A bilateral meeting with President Trump is scheduled for Thursday, during which Mr Kenny will emphasise the strength of Irish-US relations – highlighting our priorities for Brexit and continuing to make the case for US immigration reform and our undocumented Irish.

On Friday, the Taoiseach travels to New York where he will participate in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade before returning back home to Ireland.
