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Travel Warning Issued To Australian Tourists Thinking Of Coming To Ireland

A travel warning has been issued to Australian tourists thinking of coming to Ireland.

The Government there says there's been an increase in crime and a threat of civil unrest here.

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It claims tensions are high between Unionists and Republicans because of the Centenary of the Easter Rising.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has issued the travel warning for Ireland on its website.

In particular, it highlights that tensions between dissident republicans and unionists have increased in the lead up to the centenary of the Easter Rising. It advises Australians visiting here to avoid all protests and demonstrations, including those associated with Northern Ireland, as they may turn violent. 

The website also says Ireland has a moderate incidence of serious, violent crime and recommends avoiding secluded parks and unlit areas.

It says petty crime, including bag snatching, smash and grab from cars and public transport, and pickpocketing is common, particularly in city centres and areas frequented by tourists. Car theft and break-ins are increasing, especially in Dublin and tourist locations, and rental cars are particularly targeted
