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Have the government taken a gamble by going against NPHET advice?

On Sunday, the government were placed in an impossible position when NPHET recommended that the country be moved to level 5 restrictions. If the government chose to follow NPHET’s advice, many would lose their jobs and livelihoods permanently. However, if they chose not to follow their advice, they’re risking public health.

Ultimately the government chose to move the country to level 3 restrictions and in doing so have created a divide between NPHET and themselves – with Tánaiste Leo Varadkar last night that Dr. Holohan’s plan wasn’t thought out and reiterating that NPHET provides public advice to the country, but does not advise the public. Has this move soured the relationship permanently?

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On Tuesday’s Morning Focus, Gavin Grace spoke to Fine Gael TD, Joe Carey and Green Party Senator, Róisín Garvey.
